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Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra evenings

Deep rest for body, heart and mind.

​Monthly Sundays

7-9pm, An Sanctoir, Ballydehob

Spring dates:

March 2nd - Tibetan singing bowls special with Claire SOLD OUT

April 6th

May 11th

June 1st




​A two hour dive into deep rest, suitable for all bodies.​​​

Each evening begins with a grounding meditation and breath awareness practice.


There follows an immersion into the magic of restorative yoga: A series of gentle stretches or postures where you are completely supported by cushions and bolsters, wrapped up in blankets and invited to rest, day dream and let your tension melt away.


The session closes with a 30 minute Yoga Nidra. Described as the "meditative heart of yoga, Yoga nidra is a restful meditation practice which includes body and breath awareness with visualisation, which has been shown to change your brain waves so you enter deep rest, and which has a profound effect on the nervous system.


The whole evening is designed so that you can experience healing, nourishing rest and drop deeply into yourself ..... Give yourself time to just be, with no demands or expectations.



On special occaisions Claire will be joined by Cellist Lea Miklody. Claire and Lea have collaborated on Sweet Dreams for the past 2 years and it's an extra special evening with Lea in the space. Her skill and sensitivity as a musician enables her to weave a magical landscape that enables you to drop even more deeply into yourself. She will play Cello while you rest. There are moments of silence woven into the music, to create a rich tapestry of sound and quiet, alongside Claire's verbal guidance.



Cost: 25 euros

Places must be pre-booked and paid for in advance due to the amount of extra equipment that is used for this event.

Places are limited to facilitate maximum support and personal attention during the evening.




Numbers are limited for these events. Pre-booking is essential.

To book your place contact Claire 0862134080 or email


Payment options (contact Claire first)

  • Revolut

  • Paypal

  • Cash (in advance)


Or click the link to book through Eventbrite:



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